Monday, December 27, 2010

Love of your life....

Well then, Christmas is over - but hopefully, the Spirit of It will continue!

I've been making these photo montage videos this year, and I absolutely love them! I am, by nature (and genetics), an emotional person. So, I really put a lot of effort in the music and placement of the pictures in these videos. Honestly, it's my heart that goes into. If I don't cry while watching the final cut, I didn't do it right! haha

So, one of the songs that I chose this year for a family video was "I Was in His Plans" written by a gentleman in California named Marvin Lane. I found the song on Sound Click, bought it, and added it to the video. I got an email from him thanking me for buying the song. And because the music has to be unlicensed in order for me to use, I showed him the video, and asked if it was ok to use. He gave me permission, and we have been "email-facebook" friends ever since. (Gee, that was a rabbit trail).

(This is the family of Denise - there are 7 kids, and yes, the baby's name is "Seven")  Here is that first video:

So, throughout this year, Marvin had the idea to finally put a couple of songs he wrote for his wife to music (they do that in Nashville), scan a bunch of pictures, and have me make a video for his wife for Christmas.  WOW!  What a wonderful idea!

Through a lot of emails, and snail mail to get his CD to me, the videos were made back in the fall, and he had to SIT on them for 3 months!  I think I may have been more excited for her to see them than he was. (Not really, but I certainly thought about him and his bride every day the past few weeks!)

On Christmas Eve he revealed one to the whole family, and Christmas Day, the other.  He's given me permission to share, now that the cats outta the bag.  

So, I present a man that loves his wife...

And the way I want to be loved.  : )  

Saturday, September 18, 2010

in loving color

I heard the first three lines of this song and thought, "Hey! That's me!" The rest of the song...maybe someday. ; ) I created this to reflect the people, pictures, and pets that mean the most to me right now and a few that have past on that still mean a lot to me.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

And I Know He Watches......

Being a young, single mom had me frazzled when I was in my 20's. And I only had one kid at that time. My mother was the most humble, meek, and beautiful Christian woman I knew. I, however, was living life fast, without a lot of time for God and Jesus, and didn't appreciate the fine woman she was.

Once, my mother told me that because I was single, I was married to God. WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me? I was much to busy having fun and partying to be married to God. Even during the fun times, however, I would sometimes have panic attacks at the thought of my funds running low, or what I was going to do about this bill or that bill, or food! Momma would say, "God takes care of the birds, and He'll take care of you, too." Yeah OK Mom, whatever. She was such a church lady. Now, I was raised in church and I was God's kid, but like most early 20-somethings, I was eager to find my independence apart from God and my mother. I always remembered her words though.

It wasn't until several years later that she died and I heard, for the first time, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" sung by Ethel Waters on an old Billy Graham program. That was my mom's song. I got it. I finally got it. Through sermons over the years, I found out what my mom was referring to when she told me "...He will take care of you too."

Matthew 6:25-27 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

She was right. Too bad, it took her dying for me to crawl back in my Father's lap and tell Him I was so sorry for ignoring Him all that time. He HAS shown me that He remembers me - as recent as today! He provides for me through others. It's amazing! Whenever the funds get low - as often they do - I hear my mom's voice, and that is groovy. God loves me and calls me Beautiful, and He provides for me just as His word says. He takes care of me as any good Parent takes care of their child.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mean People Suck

Mean People Suck. But you have to wonder what in the world happened to these folks to make them so very bitter. I really don’t believe people are born mean.

I’ve been paying close attention lately to the way adults, who were raised by an abusive parent or guardian, treat others. Or maybe the parent wasn’t even mean. Maybe they just weren’t there. Maybe, the child was left to raise themselves and this in itself has caused bitterness to develop toward authority (you ain’t da boss’a me!) I know I tend to think too much and overanalyze.

So, you probably wonder what the point of all this rambling is. I have a family member that was taken away from his parent to live with his Grandma (not my relative) when he was 6 or so. The kid was told a traumatic thing had happened to him (I don’t think it was, and I “think” he has a false memory). Regardless, he and all the people that he lives around now believe this awful thing happened. G’ma has had a tough time of forgiving BOTH parents of this kid, and has let him know about it repeatedly over the 12 or so years that he’s lived with her. She wonders why the kid is so hateful and violent, and again, gets angry at the parents (who btw, are deceased now) and continuously rants and raves about how they have ruined this boy’s life. Over and over and over and…….

If I was constantly reminded of ugliness and how unfair my life was/is, I think that would make me think that my life sucked and I might want to get depressed and want to act out in violence. However, if I was reminded that even if something bad happened to me, it doesn’t make me a bad person. What if he is told about forgiving people ~ people that must’ve been hurt too. I wonder how this kid will treat his children when he has them. I just wonder. Yesterday, I told G’ma that the boy’s father died 3 years ago, and she said the boy will be thrilled at the news, then again, she may not tell him at all. I really pray for them and hope she doesn’t do a happy dance in front of him when she tells him.

And I also wonder how different his life would be if I had taken him in. And if YOU’RE wondering why I didn’t, I did have a home study done, and was not granted him cause I was a stressed out single mom of 2 young girls (and still AM!). And I guess I’ll always wonder.

Oh, I've recently registered to begin courses that will lead to a degree in Psychology.  Maybe one day I'll be able to counsel him, huh?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Imma Blue - what are you??

Have you ever done a personality test?  On an Online dating website that I was once a member of, they had a Color Code Test.  This particular website allowed the men and women to freely mingle in chat rooms and email within the site, so the “Color” of a person was always a hot topic.  That site had a nice, long, in-depth explanation of the codes, your color, and which colors you were most compatible with.  I’m a Blue.  A good ‘ole Blue.  This test states that Blue’s are impatient – I’ll confess to that one.  I can’t wait for people to see their pictures, I can’t wait for a baby to be born, a job to start, company to come, or a decision to get made.  In fact, I’ve made some pretty bad decisions because I just didn’t want to wait for [good] advice – which I can imagine would’ve saved me a lot of heartache.  Hardly will I even stay still enough to listen out for God to give me an answer!  Now that’s impatient!  I’m getting much better at waiting though. 

I had to do some research again on my Blue personality today.  I’ve let my feelings get hurt, when I probably shouldn’t have taken the issue personally….its a “blue” thing.  I looked on Wikipedia and this is what I found… “You can bet Blues will be the ones to refer back to the Color Code materials because they have made a commitment to learn, to become self-aware and to be their best.”  Ha!  Wow! And I just saw that one.  The Good:  “Blues are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; [the bad] but they can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody.”  Self-righteous?  Hmmmm, I dunno ‘bout that.  Maybe with my kids.  I’m right, right?  I’m the mom!  So there!  Worry-prone?  That’s getting better. I think my mom died from worry. I don’t want to go like that. Moody?  Imma girl.  We’re just like that.  I’m emotional.  I cry during  the father-daughter dance, and I may not have ever met those people in my LIFE!  I think that’s really funny. 

We’re the intimate ones; the ones that freak out if we’re given the silent treatment.  We want to communicate with the universe and get along with everyone. We’re committed and loyal.  Abe Lincoln was a Blue.  Abe suffered from depression.  He was very hard on himself, yet was considered one of our greatest leaders – he didn’t pay much attention to his doing-good ability.  He was just doing what was right ~ how can THAT possibly be a big deal!? ; )  On Wikipedia, we ARE the Do-gooders. 

Go ahead.  What's YOUR color??

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do over - Round 1

Hello there!  I’ve been thinking out this blog issue for quite sometime.  Do I want to showcase my work or me?  Well, the website and Facebook show you what I’m capable of.  And, if you know someone that has used my services, chances are, you’ve seen even MORE of my work.  (And may have found out that I danced at their wedding!)

So, from now on, I am going to let you in on my world.  Sometimes simple and boring, and other times, it’s a soap' to the nth degree!  I will post pictures that I've taken of my kids, animals, landscapes and flowers as much as I can to let you know what my other life is like. This portrait is of me - in hi-def!  My photographer friend took it, using some of his equipment and some of mine, and I retouched it using this amazing new software that I have...I'll try it on you too ; )
So, I’m Jennifer Marie Hasty.  My mom was from a middle class family in Connecticut. My dad, on the other hand, was from Southampton, Va. and came from a BIG family that was not-quite-so middle class.  I never quite figured that attraction out. BUT I’m happy they did.  For all the dysfunction I’ve had in my life, I am always happy to have had the parents I did.  They loved each other very much.  My mom was crafty with making things, she was humble, and very naïve….in the most hysterical way!  My dad was a writer, a poet, a thinker, and very witty.  They complimented each other and I really feel like I have the best of them both.  So, about me….witty, creative, humble (no, really), loving, compassionate, giving.  Then again, like good ol’ dad, I’ll tell you like it is.  But usually not on the first visit - we'll save that for the next time!  Ha! This photo is of the newlyweds ~ pre-Jennifer.  I think daddy looks like a thin Drew Carey.  What do you think?  : )

I love to ballroom dance. And, I was doing it before the movie and the stars.  I don’t do it much, but I’ve got a couple of friends that like to, so I go out a few times a year.  When I photograph weddings, you’ll find me gazing longingly at the elderly couples dancing a swing or foxtrot.  And I may just ask the gentleman to twirl me around too!  Yes, I’ll dance at your wedding, but I’ll also help find the boutonnières, pin them on the groom and groomsmen, fasten the bridal train, and a number of other handy things.  By the end of the day, I’ll be best friends with your Great Aunt Irene.  Its fun!

I love animals!  I wanted to be a zookeeper when I was a kid. Just like that blond lady from the San Diego Zoo on Captain Kangaroo.  Remember her?  Wow, I’m dating myself.  Oh well, I was a pre-teen back then anyway.  So, now my dream for my kids is that one of them become an animal trainer!  Sea World passes for life!  YAY!  I have a little zoo at my house – 2 cats, Tigger and Tootie ~ best girlfriends.  And 2 dogs – a 10 year old Beagle, named Snoopy, and a larger-than-life, 3 year old Coonhound/lab mix named Percy.  He’s a monstrous handful!  Snoopy is having issues right now with his schnozz, but it’s a little gruesome to mention on our first meeting here.  I've always seemed to have animals and other things in 3's.  Tootie followed us home one day from a walk.  So, she chose us and now we have 4 critters. 

I have 2 little wondrous offspring of my own.  They’re girls – 19 and almost 13, to this date.  They are creative kids and keep me on my toes!  You'll hear stories, I'm sure. This is a retouched picture of them back in 2002. Time certainly does pass quickly when you're watching kids grow.
I love meeting new people; Usually assuming everyone is friendly, until proven otherwise.  My close friends say I am the most real person they know.  I really don’t know how to fake.  Some people start talking to me, and end up telling me their life story.  And I’ll tell mine too.  Recently, I met with  fellow mom to deliver her son’s pictures. We sat and swapped stories of teenagers and life as single mothers while she ate her fast food dinner and I drank a milkshake ~ we sat there for an hour, just talking.  Sometimes, knowing that someone is going through a similar situation and making it, is all the encouragement you need.  Anyhow, glad to know you.  Keep posted.  We'll do this again soon! 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wedding in the country

This wedding was last year, on April 11, 2009.  I remember it vividly, as it was the day before Easter.   Normally, Easter weekend holds beautiful sunny skies and warm temperatures, but knowing Virginia weather, you have to expect the unexpected when it comes to the weather.  This day was no exception to 'Ole Virginnie.  The day started out a little humid and warm with the sun shining - until noon, that is.  Clouds rolled in, and just in time for the beautiful outdoor ranch wedding, the temperature dropped - 20 DEGREES!  (It never rained, though!)

You'll see the bridesmaids and flowergirl wearing short-length and sleeveless dresses. What you DON'T see is the goosebumps on their arms and the sweater that mom was tossing to the little girl in between the shots.  I don't think I've ever done post-wedding groups so fast!

This was a real special wedding. Not only because its a wedding - duh - but because of the genuine love that surrounded this couple from their families and friends.  When young couples have the support of their loved ones, they're destined to succeed! 

There was a bon-fire later in the evening and we all danced the night away!  Cold?  Nah, who's cold when love is in the air? 

You can have a unique wedding video made from your precious memories, too.  And it doesn't stop at weddings!  Just ask me :-)