Have you ever done a personality test? On an Online dating website that I was once a member of, they had a Color Code Test. This particular website allowed the men and women to freely mingle in chat rooms and email within the site, so the “Color” of a person was always a hot topic. That site had a nice, long, in-depth explanation of the codes, your color, and which colors you were most compatible with. I’m a Blue. A good ‘ole Blue. This test states that Blue’s are impatient – I’ll confess to that one. I can’t wait for people to see their pictures, I can’t wait for a baby to be born, a job to start, company to come, or a decision to get made. In fact, I’ve made some pretty bad decisions because I just didn’t want to wait for [good] advice – which I can imagine would’ve saved me a lot of heartache. Hardly will I even stay still enough to listen out for God to give me an answer! Now that’s impatient! I’m getting much better at waiting though.
I had to do some research again on my Blue personality today. I’ve let my feelings get hurt, when I probably shouldn’t have taken the issue personally….its a “blue” thing. I looked on Wikipedia and this is what I found… “You can bet Blues will be the ones to refer back to the Color Code materials because they have made a commitment to learn, to become self-aware and to be their best.” Ha! Wow! And I just saw that one. The Good: “Blues are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; [the bad] but they can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody.” Self-righteous? Hmmmm, I dunno ‘bout that. Maybe with my kids. I’m right, right? I’m the mom! So there! Worry-prone? That’s getting better. I think my mom died from worry. I don’t want to go like that. Moody? Imma girl. We’re just like that. I’m emotional. I cry during the father-daughter dance, and I may not have ever met those people in my LIFE! I think that’s really funny.
We’re the intimate ones; the ones that freak out if we’re given the silent treatment. We want to communicate with the universe and get along with everyone. We’re committed and loyal. Abe Lincoln was a Blue. Abe suffered from depression. He was very hard on himself, yet was considered one of our greatest leaders – he didn’t pay much attention to his doing-good ability. He was just doing what was right ~ how can THAT possibly be a big deal!? ; ) On Wikipedia, we ARE the Do-gooders.
Go ahead. What's YOUR color??
Go ahead. What's YOUR color??