Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm SO excited!!

I'm 'bout to bust!  THIS weekend I get to meet my nephew - not a baby nephew, but a BIG nephew.  Well, actually, I met him back in 1983 when he was bouncing baby boy of 10 months old.  I was 15 and I cried when I left him in Fort Lauderdale because I knew my brother and I didn't like my brother.

Circumstances with my brother caused Raymond's mom to take flight and my mom and I never knew what became of the his mother and the baby.  Well, fast forward to 2010.....

I was IM'ing with a cousin on Facebook last summer, and he asked me about my brother's sons - there are two.  He did a quick search and found Raymond!  (Why didn't I think of that??)  This guy looks just like his daddy, so there was no doubt (in my mind) that he was my nephew!

So, through email, waiting, another email (to his adopted mom), and waiting a little longer, he saw this blog, and saw the video that I posted with my pix in it - in that I had a photo of Alfred Lewis Hasty as my brother.  THEN he knew that I was a link to his past that he knew nothing about.

Through phone conversations since Thanksgiving or so, I have learned that he is a dedicated boyfriend, a great dad (I have 2 great nieces!), a good son, and a hard worker.  He has overcome such obstacles and has come out on the other side of such darkness.  My brother died in 2007 - which was the hardest thing to tell this young man - I didn't, but his mom did.

He is coming to Va this weekend with his fiancée, Courtney.  He's a young man of about 28 and he's meeting family that he didn't even know existed!  Far out, eh?  I couldn't imagine not knowing who or where my family was for 28 years.  I feel like calling the newspaper!  HA! I just might!

Ours is a happy ending.  And I suppose at this season of his life, its the right time for this to happen. I wonder, if my brother had known Ray, if he would still be alive. Depression took a toll on him as well as other major regrets of life.  This isn't about Al though, its about moving forward, family, and drinking in all that life can be.

Pictures will certainly be posted. Does anyone even read this?? I don't care, I'm just writing so I don't explode!


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