Friday, April 9, 2010

Mean People Suck

Mean People Suck. But you have to wonder what in the world happened to these folks to make them so very bitter. I really don’t believe people are born mean.

I’ve been paying close attention lately to the way adults, who were raised by an abusive parent or guardian, treat others. Or maybe the parent wasn’t even mean. Maybe they just weren’t there. Maybe, the child was left to raise themselves and this in itself has caused bitterness to develop toward authority (you ain’t da boss’a me!) I know I tend to think too much and overanalyze.

So, you probably wonder what the point of all this rambling is. I have a family member that was taken away from his parent to live with his Grandma (not my relative) when he was 6 or so. The kid was told a traumatic thing had happened to him (I don’t think it was, and I “think” he has a false memory). Regardless, he and all the people that he lives around now believe this awful thing happened. G’ma has had a tough time of forgiving BOTH parents of this kid, and has let him know about it repeatedly over the 12 or so years that he’s lived with her. She wonders why the kid is so hateful and violent, and again, gets angry at the parents (who btw, are deceased now) and continuously rants and raves about how they have ruined this boy’s life. Over and over and over and…….

If I was constantly reminded of ugliness and how unfair my life was/is, I think that would make me think that my life sucked and I might want to get depressed and want to act out in violence. However, if I was reminded that even if something bad happened to me, it doesn’t make me a bad person. What if he is told about forgiving people ~ people that must’ve been hurt too. I wonder how this kid will treat his children when he has them. I just wonder. Yesterday, I told G’ma that the boy’s father died 3 years ago, and she said the boy will be thrilled at the news, then again, she may not tell him at all. I really pray for them and hope she doesn’t do a happy dance in front of him when she tells him.

And I also wonder how different his life would be if I had taken him in. And if YOU’RE wondering why I didn’t, I did have a home study done, and was not granted him cause I was a stressed out single mom of 2 young girls (and still AM!). And I guess I’ll always wonder.

Oh, I've recently registered to begin courses that will lead to a degree in Psychology.  Maybe one day I'll be able to counsel him, huh?

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