Thursday, June 23, 2011

Act III Sought for Blessings

I’ve been trying to think of some thing, word, thought, any thing to be thankful for.  Sometimes it’s the little things that come across your path and you say, "OH!  Thanks! That was just in time."  I try to keep from grumbling about inconveniences (I can never spell that word correctly!) by reminding myself how different things could be. 

I could grumble about going to work everyday – then I remember friends who are losing their home because the bread-winner can't find a job.  I could complain about the bus being late – then I remember how much gas is and how much money I’m saving.  I could complain that my air conditioning in my home doesn’t work 100% of the time, but then again, I have a home, with shade, and some a/c and heat in the winter. I complain – actually fuss a LOT – when my dog takes food off the counter – but I have food on the counter. 

When I turn my so-called (thankful for spell-check) inconveniences into sought-for blessings, life’s really not all that bad. 

Have a great weekend.  If you care to leave any comments about what you’re thankful for.  J

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Act II Thankful for my Daddy

Hey!  Hope you had a great week and are looking forward to Father’s Day.  Its been quite a time at my home.  The pool is finally up!  I truly think my kids think I can do anything.  That was hard work and I don’t think I will ever take that thing down!

I’ve been thinking about what I’m thankful for this week. Since Father’s Day is approaching pretty quickly, I’ve been thinking about my parents. 

My dad was kinda tall with short red hair that was in the same style since I was born, and red freckles all over him!  He had a deep singing voice, was super funny, and a little sarcastic, a bit bossy, full of love for his family, and he was a recovering alcoholic when he died.  He was a helper and very generous with his time and money when he had it to spare.  He loved people and when I was a little girl, I remember him talking to everyone!  He loved to write poems to my mother. 

For the last ten years of his life he lived sober.   This was a special treat for me because I was just beginning my married life and had a little girl.  If he loved you, he’d say it.  If you pissed him off, he’d say it.  He was an in-your-face, tell-it-like-it-is kinda man.  I could also count on him to stand up for me.  Once he told my 2nd husband, “Jennifer’s mamma met me at the door one day.  She had a lunch box in one hand, and a suitcase in the other. She told me to get a job or get out!”  Now, I know that wasn’t true, but it sure was funny.  He was a smart man with common sense.   

Most people called him Red even though he had a brother with that nickname, too. My grandma (mom’s mom) said, “Your fathers such a great guy when he’s not drinking.”  He was a sponsor in AA and very involved in the program. There were a large number of folks at his memorial service, and I think most were from AA.  I didn’t know until I was about 22 that he was such a great guy.  He died when I was about 31. 

I am thankful that I had 10 years with him while he was sober to watch him love my mom (even though they were divorced 15 years); watched him interact with my daughters, heard him tell his friends he loved them, heard the pleasure in his voice when he heard the name of my 2nd daughter.  I saw his anguish when my mother died and the way he died with dignity and sobriety. I’m thankful that I had the nickname of “Papa-snoot” when I was little (I never did find out what that meant.)  He was a multi-talented man who valued family, integrity, and good friendships.  Yeah, he was a good guy.  And I miss him terribly.  

Happy Father’s Day

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Act 1 - Thankful Thursday ~ Thankful for Kindness

My beautiful friend, Becky, came up with the term, “Thankful Thursday” to counteract a grumbling attitude (to visit her: Becky's Blog ~ she's pretty groovy).  This was a few years ago, and I do my best to remind myself of this day and reflect on the things I have to be thankful for – aka gratitude. 

This week I have encountered kind people. So this Thursday, I’m reflecting on the kindly attitudes of others. 

random act of kindness cartoons, random act of kindness cartoon, random act of kindness picture, random act of kindness pictures, random act of kindness image, random act of kindness images, random act of kindness illustration, random act of kindness illustrations
I wholeheartedly believe that God has us all here for each other.  We are to be an extension of Himself.  To reach out, help, listen to, encourage, and love:

1 Thessalonians 4:9-10:  Regarding life together and getting along with each other, you don't need me to tell you what to do. You're God-taught in these matters. Just love one another! You're already good at it; your friends all over the province of Macedonia are the evidence. Keep it up; get better and better at it. (MSG)

Its been a work-week after work at my house.  We’re putting up a “ring-pool” and the sand has to be level; 1) without asking, my neighbor came over to help. (it’s still not done or up and its HAUT!)  2) The cashier ran my bag out to the parking lot that I had left behind.  Another lady, that has a wild disability, listed an item on freecycle  that I needed very badly – 3) her kind act was allowing (and trusting) strangers to come to her home when she is unable to defend herself.)  Then, for the finale, 4) a gentleman stopped and offered to help strap the item I got from the lady to my car – he's lent me an expensive tool to strap it down. He’s trusting me to bring it back to him this Saturday.

I don’t know about you, but I just feel loved and cared for when people are kind to me ~ maybe people feel the same when I'm kind as well. 

I think "Thankful Thursday" shall be a regular day or topic for me to blog about.  : )

Now go out and be nice.